




1. Always use a pen when writing a personal check - never a pencil.用原子筆寫請勿用鉛筆

2. Write in correct date on the “Date Line”.在日期那欄寫上正確的日期

3. On the “Pay to the Order” line, write in the name of the person or company to whom the check is being written. "pay to the order of"那行是要寫收款人的姓名

4. In the “Dollar Box”, write in the numeric value the check. 金額那欄要填上數字

5. On the “Dollar Amount Line”, write out the spoken representation of the amount written into the “Dollar Box”. Utilize the cents as a fractional representation.寫上支票上數字的大寫的完整寫法,分的部分要用分數表示

6. On the “Signature Line”, sign your name. 簽名欄請寫上要開支票那個人的名字,如果是你要付錢給別人當然就是你簽名


 美國支票填寫的方法和台灣最大不同的是填寫完整金額的部分,cent部分的寫法是 and 多少cent/ 100,後面那條線一直劃到dollars前面,用意是防止別人亂改數字,聽不懂的人可以看一下我寫的範例

 On the line that says "Pay to the order of", you'll write the payee's name.You may have to ask "Who do I make the check out to?" if you're not sure what to write in that line.

在pay to the order of 那行要填上付款給誰,比方說你去買了個傢俱,然後你寫支票給人家,你就可以這樣問他支票的受益人是給誰呢? "Who do I make the check out to?" 這句話太重要了,住美國的朋友們大家一定要熟記喔 

pay to the order of 的後面最好不要寫cash,因為這樣會讓別人有機可乘,偷你那張支票去兌現 

Write the amount of your payment in the small box. You should start as far over to the left as possible.The "1" should be right up against the left-hand border of the box. This prevents anybody from slipping in an extra number or two.

填上阿拉伯數字時要盡量靠左,比方我上面寫了150.98,那個1要盡量靠左邊寫,才不會被別人有機可乘多填了幾位,出門在外填寫任何單據應該警慎Don't let somebody add a number before the amount you wrote in. 


寫完支票應該再一次核對the number, the date, the transaction description做double check的動作 


最後一步是記錄你開出的支票在支票本登記簿( register), record it in your register


聲明: 歡迎參觀本部落格,這篇是寫給剛在美國找到一份新工作的新移民Y小姐 參考,她說網上都找不到中文範本,本人就服務一下同胞,本篇僅做學習上的參考, 對任何個人寫錯支票之情事本部落格恕不負責


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